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Environment variables

Hollo is configured using environment variables. You can set them in an .env file in the root directory of the project, or you can set them using Docker’s -e/--env option or Railway’s environment variables.

DATABASE_URL Unused in Railway

The URL of the PostgreSQL database, e.g., postgresql://hollo:password@localhost/hollo.

REDIS_URL Optional Unused in Railway

The URL of the Redis server, e.g., redis://localhost/0.

If not set, Hollo will use PostgreSQL for caching and message queueing.

HOME_URL Optional

If present, the home page will redirect to this URL. If not set, the home page will show the list of accounts on the instance.

SECRET_KEY Unused in Railway

The secret key for securing the session. You can generate a random secret key using the following command:

openssl rand -hex 32

LOG_LEVEL Optional

The log level for the application. debug, info, warning, error, and fatal are available.

info by default.

BEHIND_PROXY Optional Unused in Railway

Set this to true if Hollo is behind a reverse proxy. If you place the Hollo behind an L7 load balancer (you usually should do this), turn this on.

Turned off by default.

S3_REGION Optional

The region of the S3-compatible object storage, e.g., us-east-1. On some non-S3 services, this can be omitted. auto by default.


The bucket name of the S3-compatible object storage, e.g., hollo.


The public URL base of the S3-compatible object storage, e.g.,


The endpoint URL for S3-compatible object storage, e.g.,


Whether to force path-style URLs for S3-compatible object storage. true to turn on, false to turn off. Useful for non-AWS S3-compatible services. Turned off by default.


The access key for S3-compatible object storage.


The secret key for S3-compatible object storage